3 Ways To Stay Motivated & Get Shit Done
If you're in business and you've lost 'motivation', you're probably bored.
Sometimes this is due to a mini-burnout, sometimes this is due to a lack of passion, sometimes it's simply due to a lack of results. But how do you overcome it? A key element within all successful people is the ability to push past such hurdles and keep moving forward despite them.
Here are 3 strategies you can use to stay motivated & crush it at life!
1) Mix things up to avoid stagnation.
A lot of people fall into 'stagnation', they take the same commute to the same office every day, with the same people, the same conversations, the same tasks. It gets boring, and inevitably anyone stuck in that situation will find themselves losing inspiration and motivation. When you do the same thing every day for months on end you're bound to get tired of it. As an entrepreneur you have the freedom to do things your own way, make the most of it! You can leverage your freedom to help increase your productivity. There's a lot of ways you can do this, for example immerse yourself in different environments. Sometimes I like to pick a random cafe and take my work there for the day, the change of pace & scenery creates a different atmosphere. It opens up new opportunities, allows you to meet new people and keeps things interesting! If you're fully location independent consider working while you travel, spend time in different cities, perhaps even different countries. Travel, explore & stay excited. You can even use this as a way to build a huge network of people while you also build your business alongside. Another method is to attend different events, not only are conferences & seminars great for networking and learning, but they expose you to new ideas, different business cultures & other focused, motivated people.
In short, don't get stuck in monotony. That's a surefire way to kill your passion.
2) Change your physiology.
If you ever find yourself sitting at your desk losing energy & focus. Struggling to get that one piece of work done as the clock ticks by. Get up and leave. It's fine, we've all been there. Once you get bogged down in that distracted, procrastinating mindset it's very hard to break out. And when you're sitting still for long periods of time, it's almost inevitable at some point you will hit that problem. Again, it often comes down to being stagnant. Get up and take a break, change your state, do something else completely different, something that creates motion. I like to take walks in parks or out in nature, others like to go for a run. Find what works for you, go to a coffee shop & make conversation with someone, go to the gym and hit the weights. Anything that will change your focus & create motion will help you break that mental cycle. It's impossible to be bored while you're active & engaged, your physiology doesn't allow it.
3) Leverage your fears.
Are you afraid of letting your parents down, being a failure, never achieving your dreams? Good, think about it. What are you afraid of, what's your nightmare situation. For me, the thought of lying on my deathbed one day thinking "I wish I had..." is simply unacceptable, and you can be damn sure I used that fear to my advantage. Make use of every tool you can get your hands on because what's at stake is far more than a job or career, it's the quality of your entire existence. Fear is a very powerful tool, just as powerful as pleasure, and together they are enormous motivators. Really picture it, think deep, imagine a future where your fears of failure or never achieving your dreams. Feel how horrifying that event would be, having to live with knowing you were a failure, and knowing what you could have achieved. Leverage that emotion to give yourself no other option than to succeed. When you put it in perspective like that, whatever little piece of work you were avoiding doesn't seem like such a big deal now does it.
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